Microsoft Teams

One issue I have had several times is Microsoft Teams not updating its cache very well. This is most noticeable to me when someone adds or updates a profile picture but Teams does not show it. To solve this specific problem I have resorted to clearing the cache manually. I recommend viewing Clear Teams cache - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn for some official instructions.


Before Microsoft published their instructions, mine were as follows:

  • Close Microsoft Teams
  • Check the System Tray, it you find a Teams icon, right-click it and select "Quit"
  • Navigate to %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Teams\Cache and delete all the files
  • Start Microsoft Teams

You can navigate to that folder and delete all the files with Windows Explorer or Windows Terminal, whichever you prefer. The Environment Variable %APPDATA% is a shortcut to C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Teams\Cache where "xxxxx" is your username.


These instructions are for the old, "Classic" Teams.

  • Close Microsoft Teams
  • Execute the following in "Terminal", rm -Rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/Teams/Cache/
  • Start Microsoft Teams

You could do the file deleting in Finder, but I find it more fiddly to get to that folder than the simple copy & paste on Windows.