See Maven – Welcome to Apache Maven
User's settings.xml and repository is in %USERPROFILE%\.m2\
Navigate to working directorymvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart
mvn archetype:generate -Dfilter=spring
- this will search all artifacts for the word "spring"
groupId is the organisation: company
artifactId – myapp (no spaces!)
package is the java package!
Eclipse import
Each artefact has a pom.xml, jar, war or earmvn help:effective-pom
mvn package
- the default build it one
The easy way to install on a Mac is to make sure you have Java installed first and then do this:brew install maven
Once installed doing mvn -v
will show you how it is setup, so where Maven is actually installed and which Java it is using, this can be handy in diagnosing issues.
Maven Model – Maven - pom.xml reference documentation
It is good to stick to the standard plug-ins, see Maven – Available Plugins for a list of them. It is not that using others is bad but where possible it is better to stick to core stuff.
Try and use a bom, which is just a pom.xml with version dependencies in. This keeps all your versions in one place and should make things easier.
When making jar files use Apache Maven JAR Plugin – Introduction to add custom information to the manifest file. The good news is that this also works with maven-ear-plugin
, maven-ejb-plugin
and maven-war-plugin
The best place to start is Maven Repository: Search/Browse/Explore which will help you find the latest or available version. Some useful ones I have used are:
If you need to call Ant or run some basic Ant script then take a look at Apache Maven AntRun Plugin – Introduction for how to do it. Sure, it is not ideal but sometimes needs must.