Install Android Studio from Download Android Studio & App Tools - Android Developers. It is wroth noting that Android Studio uses the JetBrains IDE, similar to IntelliJ and their other tools, hence I would recommend installing JetBrains Toolbox and using this to install and manage Android Studio.
When installing take care where you install the Android SDK, you need a drive that has a lot of space or one that is a volume you can easily add to.
Your computer will need at least 12Gb of memory, any less and you will struggled for performance when running the emulator.
The default install location on Windows is %LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\Sdk
The Android Device Emulator is part of the SDK, and it allows you to start Android device emulators. The emulator can be found in the "emulator" directory of the SDK. First run the following command to list the AVDs (Android Virtual Device) you have configured:
emulator.exe -list-avds
In the list you will see something like "Pixel_8_API_30", which you can then start with:
emulator.exe -avd Pixel_8_API_30
There is always something to be said for running something on a physical device as opposed to an emulator.