There are times when you need to get information on the actual files that a database is using.
SELECT database_id, DB_NAME(database_id) AS database_name, file_id, type_desc, data_space_id, name, physical_name, UPPER(LEFT(physical_name, 3)) AS drive, state_desc, (size * 8) AS "Size Kb", ((size * 8) / 1024) AS "Size Mb" FROM sys.master_files ORDER BY database_id, type, data_space_idI have added a couple of extra columns:
Note that you can use sys.database_files instead of sys.master_files, they are the same except that database_files only looks at the current database, master_files looks at every database in the SQL Instance. Information is available at sys.master_files (Transact-SQL) which explains the columns.