Git Log

The git log command is for displaying the log of commit messages.

Command Abbreviated Description
git log --max-count=2 -n 2 or -2 show the latest two entries from the commit log
git log --max-count=2 --skip 2 skip the latest two entries and show the two before that
git log --oneline show each log entry in just one line, including abbreviated hash
git log --oneline --graph shows the branching and merging with lines and where the commits are
git log --pretty=oneline same as --oneline but with complete hash
git log --pretty=format:"[%an] at [%ad]%n [%h] %s" -5 better to read the official docs on how these formats work
git log --stat shows complete commit message and also information on file changes
git log --patch -p very detailed output with lines changes

You can also use git shortlog which can provide helpful summaries, for example, git shortlog -10 shows who did the last 10 commits.

See also: